Collaborative Summaries can be used at the end of a unit to review and summarize information covered. Through this strategy, students are expected to interact, talk through their understanding with a peer, defend their ideas, persuade others or, incorporate new ideas into their own thinking. This strategy works well in Science and Social Studies classes to extract information from a text.
Strategies/Skills Used
Reading Strategy 7: Determine the most important ideas and events and the relationship between them.
Reading Strategy 10: Summarize what has been read.
(1) Give each student three small pieces of paper and have them write down one of the most important points from the reading on each piece of paper.
(2) Put students in pairs and have them agree on the three most significant points from the six they have.
(3) Put students in groups of four and have them agree on the three most significant points from the six they have.
(4) Have each group write their final three points on a large piece of poster paper and present it to the class.
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