Good readers identify elements of setting, plot and characterization in a text. The Story Boards activity provides students opportunities to create images that help them recall where and when a story takes place, character traits, the plot and the problem, all in their own words.
Strategies/Skills Used
Reading Strategy 7: Determine the most important ideas and events and the relationship between them.
Reading Strategy 9: Identify and interpret literary elements in different genres.
Reading Strategy 10: Summarize what has been read.
(1) Read the story aloud, recalling the sequence of events periodically.
(2) Ask questions to facilitate an oral retelling by the students:
- “What happened first?”
- “What happened next?”
(3) Have students create an image in each box on the Graphic Organizer to represent the main events of the story.
(4) Have students retell their stories orally. After much practice, a written component can be added to this process.

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