PWIM, developed by Emily Calhoun (Calhoun, 1999), stands for Picture Word Inductive Model. It is an inquiry-based literacy strategy that uses curriculum-based, high-interest pictures to elicit words from students’ expressive vocabulary.
Strategies/Skills Used
Writing Skill 1: I generate ideas in a variety of ways.
Writing Skill 2: I organize my ideas based on my purpose for writing.
Writing Skill 5: I carefully choose the most effective words to express my ideas.
(1) Choose a provocative picture linked to the theme you are studying, and have students look closely at it without talking.
(2) After the students have had a chance to consider the picture, ask them to take turns calling out words to describe what they see in the picture. Record the ideas generated.
(3) Once an extensive list has been generated, have students identify emerging themes.
(4) Categorize the words into specific themes.
(5) Ask each student to choose a theme that appeals to them, then write a brief reflection on how the words are connected.
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