This activity provides a tool to help students discuss and recognize both sides of an argument or issue.
Strategies/Skills Used
Writing Skill 1: I generate ideas in a variety of ways.
Writing Skill 2: I organize my ideas based on my purpose for writing.
(1) Model the activity on an overhead with the whole class by posting a piece of text (a question or statement). See the
Persuasive Paragraph Frame and the Planning Guide Graphic Organizer.
(2) Ask students for one thought that supports the text, and display it to the class on the Graphic Organizer.
(3) Ask students for one thought that goes against the text, and display it to the class on the Graphic Organizer. Continues recording, alternating between thoughts that support or contest the piece of text.
(4) Have students make decision about the statement/question after discussing the ideas presented with a partner.
(5) Have students share their decision with the class and state their reasons for it. Students may write responses based on their own ideas as well as those gained from the group.
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