by Mini Grey
An egg is compelled to fly and faces the challenge of waiting for the right time.
Strategies/Skills Used
Reading Strategy 8: Extract information from text, charts, graphs, maps and illustrations.
Reading Strategy 9: Identify and interpret literary elements in different genres.
Reading Strategy 11: Make inferences and draw conclusions.
Reading Strategy 12: Reflect and respond.
Writing Skill 1: I generate ideas in a variety of ways.
(1) Explain to students that in this lesson they will be working on an important pre-reading strategy, gathering information from words and pictures. See Bookwalk.
(2) Explain to students that in this lesson they will be working on important reading strategies, identifying parts of the story and figuring out the messages.
(3) Read to a specific point and discuss the events.
(4) Record, or ask students to record, the character’s thoughts and/or speech. As you read, pause to discuss what aspects of the Learner Profile the character shows (e.g. “Egg climbed to the top. He was a Risk Taker, because he was trying something new.”) See Bubble Thinking.
(5) Explain to students that in this lesson they will be working on an important writing strategy: I have an idea.
(6) Compile a list of animals that live on a farm.
(7) Have the students choose a favorite animal and create a T-chart. In one column, they can add words to describe the animal. In the second column, they add words that describe the actions of the animal.
(8) Create a mini-adventure with a beginning, a problem and a solution. Try to include some of the words from the T-chart. See Stretching a Setting.